I have finally decided to begin placing dental implants in my office. I waited until we had enough patients in our practice to start offering this service, and we have reached that benchmark. I diagnose quite a few implants, because of their extremely high success rate over the long term.
WHAT IS A DENTAL IMPLANT? Well, the picture to the left is what an implant looks like typically. If you are missing a tooth, the implant is placed gently where the root of your tooth was and is allowed to heal for a period of time before a crown is placed on top of it. A simple, beautiful solution because the teeth on either side of the missing tooth are not damaged. Implants would be my first choice WAY before a bridge for this reason. Implants do not get cavities, and success rates are near 99% at the 10 year mark, making it the most successful process in dentistry for the long term. They also are used to support dentures and can help them "click" or "snap" into place. This is a life changing process for denture wearers (or sufferers). Did you know that implants for denture wearers actually stops the bone loss and associated facial shrinkage that occurs after tooth loss?!
I need your help to get the ball rolling. I must identify 24 implant cases amongst our patients. The beauty of this process is that the implants are actually placed here in my office, AND I will be doing them at a HUGE DISCOUNT. The savings will be roughly $500-$1000 compared to the typical cost.
If you have any friends or relatives that are missing one or more teeth, or have loose dentures they hate wearing, I want to see them! I can do a free consultation which will take approximately 40 minutes to see if they're a candidate for dental implants. Thanks for your help! I am so excited to start offering this amazing service - I've been feeling like a little kid in a candy store since making the decision! :)
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