Friday, June 4, 2010

No new cavites - For LIFE!

How much would you pay to stop getting cavities? There's an amazing new company based in Salem, OR called CariFree(Oral BioTech). Click the Title of the post above and it will take you straight to their website. I've been directing a lot of my patients to check out their Treatment Rinse, Treatment Kits and for kids they have great products like Xylitol Lollipops, gums, mouth sprays, etc. Use these to shift the balance of 'bad' bacteria back to 'good' bacteria. Your mouth will become acid-neutral, so no way you can get cavities. Couple this with the hardening properties and anti-cavity potential that Fluoride gives to enamel, and you would only have to worry about gum disease. See, there would still be a reason for you to come see your dentist, even if you never had a cavity again.

How many of you would like the convenience of purchasing these products directly from my office? I have hesitated to do this, as I don't want people thinking I'm selling stuff just to make a profit. But, if I can offer prices that are less than the CariFree website and their shipping charges, I'm glad to do it.

The Derenzy Clan

The Derenzy Clan
Friends' coastal wedding Oct 09